Cooking Sustainably: Nourishing Your Body and the Planet

Saturday 2nd September 2023 1pm – 7pm
£70 – Includes, teas, coffees, snacks and dinnerJoin me for a transformative culinary experience as we explore the world of sustainable cooking and its impact on both our health and the planet. In this comprehensive course, you will learn how to prepare meals that are not only nourishing for your body but are mindful of the effects our food choices have on the environment.

We will discuss the advantages of seasonal eating, ways we can reduce waste and the value of connecting with local producers. We will go beyond simple measures like food miles and carbon footprints, look past greenwashing and explore how our choices play a role in the global food system. The importance of supporting regenerative farmers and reducing our consumption of ultra-processed foods.

We’ll be looking at simple ways we can shop sustainably, stock a pantry, and balance budget with ethics. Learn to embrace intuitive cooking and make a positive impact on your well-being and the planet.

We will be making a delicious dinner to enjoy together that embodies all the things we learn in this class, plus you’ll have some goodies to take home with you!

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